Jan 5, 2021 | sales tips, Training
Inbound – how good are they in your company? Whether you are a one-man band, or a multinational organisation, you will inevitably be spending a chunk of your budget on marketing and promotion. The idea of course, is that you will encourage sales, or at the very...
Jan 4, 2021 | entrepreneurs, Food for thought, sales tips, Training
How a split second decision as an 8 year old changed my life About this time of year, 43 years ago, I was sitting in my classroom at Goldsworth Middle School in Woking. The teacher was asking us to audition for parts in the Christmas carol service. The format was...
Jan 4, 2021 | marketing, sales tips, Training
I’m subsituting MAN for FAN because it’s time to move with the times! Those of you in sales will be very familiar with the acronym MAN as standing for: Money Authority Need (in other words, a simple way of identifying the best person to have a sales...
Jan 2, 2021 | marketing, sales tips, Training
Sometimes it’s better to sell backwards Do I really mean that? Well maybe not everything should be done backwards. But it is certainly worth setting out at the beginning of the meetings, the expectations you have for the end of the meeting! Let me clarify. OK...
Jan 1, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, prospecting, sales tips, Training
Positive Language can make a huge difference to your sales conversation, so don’t go using language that makes customers avoid you. There are certain words and phrases that are considered clichés in the world of selling. If you want to avoid looking like an...