Oct 24, 2015 | marketing, sales tips, sales training
Upselling? Cross-Selling? Help! I’m Confused! Upselling and cross-selling. Do you these two phrases confuse you? If they do, you’re not alone. As if it isn’t enough to worry about selling the main thing that you do, you now need to sell other stuff...
Oct 13, 2015 | marketing, sales tips, sales training
Effective Follow up Strategies to stop your leads going cold We’ve all been there – you get a great enquiry from an interested customer, you’ve talked, asked and answered questions, they are absolutely hooked and then….. you never hear from...
Aug 22, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training
In Sales, Sometimes you need to get out of your own wayThis is about lacking self-belief, something which I proved to myself spectacularly yesterday. To give you the background, the Christmas before last, I went over a speed bump too fast and knocked off the right...
Aug 6, 2015 | customers, sales tips, sales training
How good are you at Managing your customer records?I admit I love a good sales database. At Tadpole, it was one of the first things I made sure I had, because in order to grow my customer base and so sell my services, I needed some prospective customers and I needed...
Jul 10, 2015 | customers, sales tips, sales training
The Parable of The Young Salesman I recently saw this terrific Oasis advertisement and it reminded me of the following Parable: A young Salesperson was disappointed. He had lost an important sale. In discussing the matter with the Sales Manager, the young man...
Jun 27, 2015 | sales tips, sales training
5 Reasons your customers will not buy from you. As a sales trainer, I spend a lot of time trying to help people sell more. But it’s also useful to know what things you shouldn’t do – the sort of things that will have your customers running for the...