Aug 6, 2015 | customers, sales tips, sales training
How good are you at Managing your customer records?I admit I love a good sales database. At Tadpole, it was one of the first things I made sure I had, because in order to grow my customer base and so sell my services, I needed some prospective customers and I needed...
Jul 10, 2015 | customers, sales tips, sales training
The Parable of The Young Salesman I recently saw this terrific Oasis advertisement and it reminded me of the following Parable: A young Salesperson was disappointed. He had lost an important sale. In discussing the matter with the Sales Manager, the young man...
Jun 27, 2015 | sales tips, sales training
5 Reasons your customers will not buy from you. As a sales trainer, I spend a lot of time trying to help people sell more. But it’s also useful to know what things you shouldn’t do – the sort of things that will have your customers running for the...
Jun 20, 2015 | customers, sales training
Make someone happy today – recommend them! In my job I train people how to sell. When it works it is amazing – they get something they can use for life and, sometimes it transforms them. That’s a wonderful feeling. What do you do that helps people?...
May 29, 2015 | sales training, Training
How to choose a trainer When the time comes that you decide you or your people need some training, you will probably want to do some research on the various providers out there. Training can be a big investment for an organisation and you want to make sure that what...
May 25, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales training
Do you want to talk business? OK, let’s go to a coffee shop. Many entrepreneurs don’t have their own offices and either work from home or meet clients at venues such as coffee shops. This week, whilst having a really productive meeting with a fellow...