Nov 25, 2022 | sales training
I am sure you will agree with me that sales lies are abundant For example: 💥 “YOU NEED THIS SECRET THING!” 💥 “THIS IS THE LAST GIZMO YOU’LL EVER NEED!” 💥 “HOW THIS SIMPLE TRICK EARNED ME A GAZILLION POUNDS IN 24 HOURS!” We see...
Nov 22, 2022 | sales training
I managed to – here’s how to muck up the perfect sale … I was approached by a fabulous company who had been checking me out on LinkedIn. We spoke, we met, we tweaked the spec. I loved them, they loved me (it was such a good fit). All the stages...
Sep 6, 2022 | sales training
As a sales trainer I am often asked, what makes a great salesperson. People often say it is a skill that can be taught like any other, for example, riding a bike or learning to drive, but actually it is a bit more nuanced than just taking lots of lessons. Actually...
Jul 3, 2022 | sales training
If I was to describe which aspect of sales I’m best at, I’d probably say ‘closing’. But you hear lots of rubbish spouted about closing, such as ‘use this technique, or that trick’. It’s as though closing is treated like a...
Jun 20, 2022 | sales training
Whilst delivering sales training in London, Essex and the wider UK, I am often asked abour why customers buy. Do you know that you can sell more if you understand this imporant area? If you think you will sell more because of your excellent service or your friendly...
May 28, 2022 | sales training
As a sales trainer, I often try and get people to shut up more, to win more sales. So do you know when to shut up? It matters a lot. Even among sign language speakers, studies show that typically we leave just a fraction of a second between taking turns to...