Jan 4, 2016 | marketing, sales tips, sales training
How to massively improve your sales conversionsThis is such an easy thing to do, but so few people do it. What am I talking about? Following up. ‘80% of sales require 5 follow up calls after the meeting. 44% of salespeople give up after 1 call.’ Source:...
Dec 15, 2015 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips, sales training
How to keep selling during the holidaysI’m going to keep this brief (because I bet you’re sandwiched inbetween buying presents, going to parties and watching school nativities right now!). However, the fact remains that for a lot of businesses (retail...
Dec 5, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Make it super easy for your customers to say ‘Yes’ Is it possible that you’ve been making things too complicated for your customers? If so, you might be stopping them from buying. That’s because all of us humans like easy decisions rather than...
Nov 28, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training
Are you giving your customers confidence?That’s not strange question – if your customers don’t have confidence in you, what you are selling and your organisation, then your chances of getting a sale are tiny. Customers tend to buy when they like you,...
Nov 21, 2015 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training
Are you talking yourself out of a sale?Michael ran a design business and believed passionately in what he did. He was versatile and so had a good base of potential clients. However, because he was foremost an artist, he struggled with the business transaction side of...
Nov 8, 2015 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training
The best sales people know when to shut upHave you ever been in conversation with someone, there is a lull, no one speaks and you have the strongest urge to fill that silence with something, anything? We human beings don’t like uncomfortable silences and it is a...