Jan 3, 2021 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips
He’s 13 years old, so obviously he knows how to cold call better than me! OK – It’s Hallowe’en and I’m doing Trick or Treating with my 2 children and their 9 year old cousin. Clear instructions are issued: Only go to the houses with...
Jan 2, 2021 | marketing, sales tips, Training
Sometimes it’s better to sell backwards Do I really mean that? Well maybe not everything should be done backwards. But it is certainly worth setting out at the beginning of the meetings, the expectations you have for the end of the meeting! Let me clarify. OK...
Jan 1, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, prospecting, sales tips, Training
Positive Language can make a huge difference to your sales conversation, so don’t go using language that makes customers avoid you. There are certain words and phrases that are considered clichés in the world of selling. If you want to avoid looking like an...
Jan 1, 2021 | sales tips, Training
10 things successful salespeople always do There are always some high achievers in sales who, no matter what, always seem to be able to smash their targets, whatever else is happening in the world. So what do these individuals have in common and what can you learn...
Jan 1, 2021 | sales tips, sales training, Training
How to sell the unfamiliar. Research shows that customers are unlikely to choose an unfamiliar brand over one they know and recognise – even if there are clear or obvious shortcomings with the known brand. That can even extend to using a dangerous brand. In a...
May 21, 2016 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training, Training
Are women better at selling than men? This is a tricky one. In my role as a sales trainer, I probably train roughly 60% women to 40% men. Now this is interesting. Does this mean women are worse at selling than men, that they ‘think’ they are worse at...