Feb 23, 2021 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips, sales training, Training
Have you heard that phrase before – “Don’t sell the sausage, sell the sizzle”? If you think about it, a sausage is just sliced up dead pig. Not very appealing is it? But when you start to think about the smell, the taste and the look of a...
Feb 22, 2021 | entrepreneurs, Food for thought, marketing, Training
Why am I more important than I was a month ago? Because clearly I am! And, before you start to mutter under your breath about me having over-inflated ideas of my own value, a lot of it is to do with perception. OK, so let’s have a look at this curious statement;...
Feb 21, 2021 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training
Why the best way to sell is …er…not to sell Time and time again when I am running my training courses, particularly those that focus on basic sales techniques, delegates express their worry that they don’t want to be pushy or too...
Feb 17, 2021 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips, Training
Why you will get gobbled up by the big fishes if you don’t nail your USP USP stands for Unique Selling Point. USPs are the benefits or features that set your product or service apart from similar things which are offered by your competitors. Of course, if you...
Feb 15, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training, Training
Some things you learn through training. Some things you learn through actual real life experience. The question I am about to share with you is an example of the latter. As a sales rookie, I went on loads of training courses which undoubtedly helped me go on to have a...
Feb 8, 2021 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips, Training
My recipe for sales perfection Ingredients One genuine person who wants to serve their potential client to the best of their ability A qualified prospect (any size) A pair of ears One mouth An open mind A ready smile A notebook & pen An agenda Somewhere to meet...