Jul 10, 2015 | customers, sales tips, sales training
The Parable of The Young Salesman I recently saw this terrific Oasis advertisement and it reminded me of the following Parable: A young Salesperson was disappointed. He had lost an important sale. In discussing the matter with the Sales Manager, the young man...
Jun 20, 2015 | customers, sales training
Make someone happy today – recommend them! In my job I train people how to sell. When it works it is amazing – they get something they can use for life and, sometimes it transforms them. That’s a wonderful feeling. What do you do that helps people?...
May 25, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales training
Do you want to talk business? OK, let’s go to a coffee shop. Many entrepreneurs don’t have their own offices and either work from home or meet clients at venues such as coffee shops. This week, whilst having a really productive meeting with a fellow...
May 15, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, sales training
Small Business, Claim your Competitive Advantage Yesterday, we looked at some reasons why it can be good to be small. As a small business, you: Respond Faster Have More Flexibility Have Better Relationships with Customers Get a Personal connection to the Customer Have...
Apr 8, 2015 | customers, sales training
I’m a Salesperson – give me a cuddle please! I don’t know what you think about people who sell for a living. Perhaps you think we are all pushy, gobby, dishonest, manipulative charlatans. I hope you don’t, but from comments I sometimes hear a...
Apr 4, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Why you should stop discounting and charge more When you looked at that heading, did you think ‘no chance!’ Or perhaps you shouted at me; ‘what does she know?’ Certainly, if you are anything like most people in business, you might have some...