Mar 12, 2024 | sales training
What can you do when you are not feeling motivated and you have the sales blues? Sales is a funny old job – we are, in many ways, doing something that is unnatural – trying to start conversations which seem counter-intuitive and (let’s face it) can...
Mar 11, 2024 | sales training
Did you know that ghosting in sales is probably costing your sales people about a fifth of their time? Read on to discover how we know that and what you can do about it. So ghosting might be a thing now, but guess what? before the 2000s it wasn’t! Instead you...
Mar 4, 2024 | negotiation, sales tips, sales training
How can elephants help you sell more? Well if you can get more elephants in your life, it can actually make a difference to your sales figures! (anyone who has been on my training probably knows what’s coming next….) You know the cliché of the salesperson?...