Whilst delivering sales training in London, Essex and the wider UK, I am often asked abour why customers buy. Do you know that you can sell more if you understand this imporant area?

If you think you will sell more because of your excellent service or your friendly demeanour, then you could be right, but it goes a lot deeper.

This diagram is adapted from the excellent book “Ebook Secrets Exposed”by Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel.

Look at the diagram – what is at the top?

That’s right, PAIN closely followed by PLEASURE

Under this are all the other main reasons people buy.

Now, it is unlikely that all of the list will apply to your business, but if you sit down and think about it, then you will probably start to see patterns.

So for example, in many businesses, the top 4 will be the primary motivators for people to work with you.

If you are in the health and wellness sectors, then it will probably be the last 6.

(in my business it is PAIN – clients aren’t selling enough)

So why not have a little bit of fun (with a serious goal) and work out why your customers buy from you. It could be transformational!