What’s on my selling wish list for 2016?night-1077855_1280
Why not dream for a bit? I may be a sales trainer, but I still need to sell, so if I was in ‘sales heaven’ and I could have whatever I wanted, I think this little list would cover it:

1. No one will ever ask for a discount. In fairness, they rarely do now, but it would just be nice not to get asked at all – I am good at what I do you know – and if you work with me, you will recoup the cost many times over. So don’t insult my expertise by devaluing it.

2. Every time I try to make an appointment, the prospect will say ‘yes’. In fact, they will ask me for appointments. It does happen sometimes, but oh, think of the extra time if you didn’t have to do all that legwork!

3. The amount of ‘perfect fit’ prospects exactly matches my ability to work with them. Self-explanatory really – busy enough to earn a good living but without being overloaded.

4. There will be no time wasters. Ever. Oh this one I want badly – where do some of these people come from? There can be a fine line between providing value in order to help a genuine prospect decide to work with you and just giving information to someone who just, well, wants free information.

5. All of my competitors will magically vanish. Oh yes – this would be nice too. It’s not that I can’t compete with them – I just don’t really want there to be any of them! Much simpler that way.

6. Technology will never let me down. Not once. (CRM, phone, sat nav, laptop, are you listening?) Enough said.

7. I would ban the phrase ‘I want to think about it’. Look – either use my services or be honest about not wanting to, but don’t use this line. Horrid!

8. I could share the joy of how wonderful selling can be. I train a lot of people who are, at best nervous and, at worst absolutely hate the thought of sales. I want them to experience that unbeatable feeling you get when you have closed a deal that genuinely helps someone. Pure magic.

I hope you have enjoyed my little journey into wishful thinking. What would you have on your ‘sales heaven’ wish list?

Janet is based in Enfield, north London and trains small businesses and entrepreneurs how to sell more. She has recently reached the final of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management’s national awards (BESMA 2016) in the category of Sales Trainer of the Year and, in November 2015 won ‘Start up Business of the Year’ at the Enterprise Enfield Business Awards.

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