how to sell more - man on tightropeI was at an entrepreneurial event yesterday and, among the razzmatazz, the star speakers and the over enthusiastic support staff, it is true to say that I really did pick up a few gems. One of the best sessions was run by Clate Mask, CEO and joint founder of Infusionsoft, a multi-million dollar company. However, he was once a struggling entrepreneur and so really gets the entrepreneurial experience. 

During his captivating session, he was discussing how many well-meaning friends and families don’t understand why entrepreneurs would want to put themselves through the experience that is ‘working for yourself’. He asked this great question and then threw it open to the audience: “What do you do when things get tough?”

This is what the wonderful entrepreneurs in the audience said. 

  • Compare your strengths against other’s weaknesses
  • Exercise!
  • 90% is just showing up
  • Read testimonials that customers have written about you
  • Remind yourself why you started in the first place
  • Keep focussing on your goals
  • Focus on what is good about what you do
  • Remember people who purchase what you have will gain the benefits – you are serving them
  • Remind yourself of your passion
  • When things are getting tough, remember to show gratitude and love

There were more, but I couldn’t write that fast!

So next time you are feeling like the world is against you, why not have a little look at this list and remind yourself why you are putting yourself through the struggle. 

Janet has recently reached the finals of the APCTC Trainer of the Year. If you have enjoyed this blog, please vote for her here: