Do you only have one source of leads?

Well here is something to think about –

One of the things I get the biggest kick out of is networking – running your own business can be an isolating experience for a lot of small business owners.

Here I am this morning delivering an education segment to members of my local BNI (I guess that’s the ideal role for me isn’t it?).

But there is a serious purpose to this. Networking in a really strong group does this:

1. You regularly pick up business via referrals
2. You get to network with other brilliant business people
3. You get to form friendships with people you would never otherwise have met

It’s an enjoyable and profitable way to promote your business and it consistently gives me a regular stream of revenue.

So if you are in business, why not think about networking as a way to generate leads?

There are lots of different networks out there, but if you are interested in seeing if I can get you in as a visitor in my group, send me a message. But do check out networking. In sales we can sometimes stick to the things we know. Networking could genuinely explode your reach.

Happy selling (and networking)