My recipe for sales perfection


  • One genuine person who wants to serve their potential client to the best of their ability
  • A qualified prospect (any size)
  • A pair of ears
  • One mouth
  • An open mind
  • A ready smile
  • A notebook & pen
  • An agenda
  • Somewhere to meet (phone, meeting room, Skype)


  1. Prepare by doing research on the prospect beforehand
  2. Ensure you are in the correct meeting place
  3. Prewarm the conversation. To do this take the genuine person, the pair of ears, the mouth, the open mind and a ready smile and introduce them gently to the prospect
  4. Once the prospect is comfortably settled (you can test this by using the mouth to ask a question and the ears to hear the answer), use the mouth again to introduce the agenda and start to ask questions. Keep using the ears, open mind and ready smile generously
  5. As the ears identify important information, use the notebook and pen to record that information
  6. Carefully mix all the ingredients for about 30 – 40 minutes (depending on the desired outcome) and test the progress with a trial close
  7. If the prospect is ready, close properly and finish with a handshake, a promise to meet the commitments and a win win situation
  8. Your sale is now complete

Repeat this process as required.

The final result should look something like this:


If you just want some simple sales tips right now, download Janet’s 8 Proven Sales Tips