Sales Training for People who need help closing more deals

Stop stressing about selling!

In business, without sales, well…. there is no business. Sales are the lifeblood that drive everything.

Janet from Tadpole Training delivering sales training to coaches and trainers

But what if you can’t sell, you’ve never been shown how, or you currently sell but it’s something you hate or you’re not very good at it?

Or perhaps you need to get better at selling fast, because you’re leaving deals on the table? That hurts – and it’s the sort of thing that can keep you awake at night.

If you are a business owner, are your team failing to convert the leads that you have spent a fortune generating through marketing?

Who you are

You might not like the thought of selling. It might be worse than that – it terrifies you. Yet you have to do it because you either have your own business (and you have to bring in money) or you have changed role and need to sell.

Perhaps you have never sold before, or perhaps you have tried but you weren’t very good. Maybe your confidence has taken a bit of a bashing.

You might find that your customers always go for the cheapest options, not the high value, more profitable packages,  but you don’t know how to change that.

What your issues tend to be

The first one is fear. What are you supposed to say to potential customers? How are you supposed to say it? Will Janet Efere with a cartoonpeople think you are one of those horrible agressive pushy types, who get their foot in the door and won’t stop? Your experience of selling is pretty much limited to receiving those irritating cold calls, the ones where they do the ‘hard sell’ on you and say anything they can think of to get you to buy. You don’t want to be like that.

Your second issue is revenue – you MUST get money in (it might be into your business, or it might be because now you have a sales target to meet). This means pressure. Lots of pressure, because if you don’t perform there will be consequences – either to you personally or to the business. What if the business has to close because you were not able to sell enough?

Then the third big one is simply knowing what process to follow. What do you say to people? In what order? How do you know when to close? (come to that, how DO you close?). What if people say you are too expensive, not good enough or they just don’t want to talk to you? How many sales have you already lost because you don’t know what process to follow?

Then there is time. You know you need to overcome these issues, but the longer you wait, the more opportunities you will miss. Every day you don’t make enough sales is adding to the pressure and the stress.

What you need Right Now

You need a simple sales structure to follow. It must enable you to close deals without you turning into a pushy sales person. You must be able to sell in a style that suits your personality and that means genuinely helping your customers. You are desperate to get this right, because your product (or service) is brilliant and you want people to buy it. You want to lose the constant nagging fear and worry. You want to learn this in a safe environment where everyone understands and you won’t feel silly.

You want a short course. That will mean you can apply what you have learned immediately, without spending too long away from the office.


Whatever your sales challenges, after this training you will:

* have a simple, proven process to follow

* know how to get people interested in what you do

* know what questions to ask and when

* have a simple, effective formula for closing

* be able to handle the most common objections

* not lose deals because of price

* have much more confidence, because you will know exactly what to do

* You will have a pipeline of prospects to begin working on straight away

* have a selection of bespoke scripts to help you with some of the most common scenarios

We will cover all the basics you need to transform your sales. Janet has worked in the corporate sector with Xerox, headed up Business Development (including running the sales and customer service team) at an international college and now works primarily with entrepreneurs and small business owners.

All this experience means that there is not much about sales that Janet doesn’t know.

So if you like a ‘no fluff’, practical approach to selling which doesn’t involve being sleazy or pushy, then this is the training for you.

What is it about sales and the sales process that you find challenging?

Call Janet on 07748 994 334 if you need to have a chat about your sales challenges. Note we can provide training for sales teams, so if you need to train 3 or more people, get in touch so we can understand your requirements.

Janet Efere with a copy of her book Small Business Sales DilemmasDates and Prices

This is currently being run as a 6 week part time course, live via Zoom. Depending on the current situation, we expect to resume classroom based learning later in the year.

Click on the relevant link to see full information and to book:

4th March 2021

6th May 2021

1st July 2021

2nd September 2021

4th November 2021

Comments from previous students

Click here to see what people say about the training – note, the course was called “I’m not A Salesperson” when Uzo did it (Uzo Ijewere)