Feb 8, 2021 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips, Training
My recipe for sales perfection Ingredients One genuine person who wants to serve their potential client to the best of their ability A qualified prospect (any size) A pair of ears One mouth An open mind A ready smile A notebook & pen An agenda Somewhere to meet...
Feb 5, 2021 | sales tips, sales training, Training
You wouldn’t ask me to marry you on our first date would you? Think about it – it’s uncomfortable, pressurising and there is an imbalance of benefit (I’m a great catch, so I get why you want to marry ME, but what’s so great about YOU)....
Feb 4, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips, Training
When is a Sale Not a Sale? Many people who are new to sales experience the frustration of thinking they have made a sale, but then, when it comes to the delivery of the product or service, confirmation in writing, or payment of a deposit, the customer does not seem to...
Feb 4, 2021 | customers, sales tips, Training
So you have a new sales job! The excitement, the enthusiasm, the nerves! Read on to learn our 5 tips for starting new sales role! Anyone who has been in sales remembers this – I know I do. You want to make a big impression quickly – show them that they...
Feb 4, 2021 | customers, sales tips, Training
How to get your sales from A to B Would you like to earn more money? If the answer is ‘yes’, I have another question – would you like to do it easily and authentically? Assuming you probably said ‘yes’ to that as well, why isn’t...
Jan 31, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, Gallery, sales training, Training
Are you keeping it real? Today I read a post on Facebook asking people to list one thing that they were really proud to have achieved in 2016. There were some super replies – things like: I got married I made a profit in my first year of business I donated a big...