Jan 6, 2021 | sales training
Is selling something that you struggle with, even though you know sales are essential to drive money into your business? Is it frustrating that you are not growing your business fast enough? We know how to help you ramp up your sales without being pushy or yucky by...
Jan 1, 2021 | sales tips, sales training, Training
How to sell the unfamiliar. Research shows that customers are unlikely to choose an unfamiliar brand over one they know and recognise – even if there are clear or obvious shortcomings with the known brand. That can even extend to using a dangerous brand. In a...
May 21, 2016 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training, Training
Are women better at selling than men? This is a tricky one. In my role as a sales trainer, I probably train roughly 60% women to 40% men. Now this is interesting. Does this mean women are worse at selling than men, that they ‘think’ they are worse at...
Apr 18, 2016 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips, sales training
Delighted to be featured in The Guardian Startup of the Year 2015-2016
Apr 16, 2016 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training, Training
Are you giving good follow up? I ask because you don’t have to be a sales expert to use this very simple strategy to increase your sales. If you take a look at this chart* then you will see that the majority of sales are not closed on the first, second, third or...
Apr 4, 2016 | customers, sales tips, sales training, Training
Are you giving a great buying experience? When I run one of my sales training courses, I usually do a bit with the class at the beginning about ‘what makes a good sale’. I ask delegates to think about a time when they had an outstanding buying experience...