Feb 4, 2021 | customers, sales tips, Training
So you have a new sales job! The excitement, the enthusiasm, the nerves! Read on to learn our 5 tips for starting new sales role! Anyone who has been in sales remembers this – I know I do. You want to make a big impression quickly – show them that they...
Feb 4, 2021 | customers, sales tips, Training
How to get your sales from A to B Would you like to earn more money? If the answer is ‘yes’, I have another question – would you like to do it easily and authentically? Assuming you probably said ‘yes’ to that as well, why isn’t...
Jan 30, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips
5 Things that could be scaring your customers away (and what you can do about it) Let’s face it, customers can be tough to win, so the last thing you want to do is scare any of them away. However, if you are involved in selling in any way at all, make sure you...
Jan 30, 2021 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales tips, Training
Do you know the biggest threat to your business right now? Well, if you don’t you should. I speak as someone who has experienced what happens when an 18 year old established business gets wiped out pretty much overnight, due to a change in Government...
Jan 25, 2021 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training, Training
Why I love Sales Objections and you should too. As a sales trainer, one of the things that I get asked about probably more than any other (with the possible exception of how to close better) is overcoming objections. There is something about an objection that can...
Jan 24, 2021 | marketing, sales tips, Training
Why I’m not going to tell you I’m the best Today I got pitched at by an over-enthusiastic insurance sales person. Although I’m not in the market for insurance, the salesperson in me loves to listen to other people’s sales calls because, well, they are fascinating!...