Mar 4, 2024 | negotiation, sales tips, sales training
How can elephants help you sell more? Well if you can get more elephants in your life, it can actually make a difference to your sales figures! (anyone who has been on my training probably knows what’s coming next….) You know the cliché of the salesperson?...
Jan 12, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Have you ever talked yourself out of a sale (and what should you have done differently?) It is important to understand when to talk and when to stop. When we are being sold ‘to’ none of us likes to be with someone who talks constantly; it is irritating and it can make...
Dec 5, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Make it super easy for your customers to say ‘Yes’ Is it possible that you’ve been making things too complicated for your customers? If so, you might be stopping them from buying. That’s because all of us humans like easy decisions rather than...
May 11, 2015 | negotiation, sales tips, sales training
Closing sales is not a wrestling match! When I started my sales career it was with a well-known Financial Services organisation who shall be nameless. My manager, who I can now see was the cliché of the crooked salesman, was much worse and delighted in teaching...
Apr 4, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Why you should stop discounting and charge more When you looked at that heading, did you think ‘no chance!’ Or perhaps you shouted at me; ‘what does she know?’ Certainly, if you are anything like most people in business, you might have some...
Nov 11, 2014 | negotiation, sales training
Children are brilliant negotiators. Ask any parent who has just been persuaded to part with yet more money for another ‘essential’ toy, gadget, gimmick, or snack. We can learn a lot from them in our adult world if we are prepared to listen. As tiny babies, we learn to...