Nov 8, 2015 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training
The best sales people know when to shut upHave you ever been in conversation with someone, there is a lull, no one speaks and you have the strongest urge to fill that silence with something, anything? We human beings don’t like uncomfortable silences and it is a...
Aug 22, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training
In Sales, Sometimes you need to get out of your own wayThis is about lacking self-belief, something which I proved to myself spectacularly yesterday. To give you the background, the Christmas before last, I went over a speed bump too fast and knocked off the right...
May 25, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales training
Do you want to talk business? OK, let’s go to a coffee shop. Many entrepreneurs don’t have their own offices and either work from home or meet clients at venues such as coffee shops. This week, whilst having a really productive meeting with a fellow...
May 15, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, sales training
Small Business, Claim your Competitive Advantage Yesterday, we looked at some reasons why it can be good to be small. As a small business, you: Respond Faster Have More Flexibility Have Better Relationships with Customers Get a Personal connection to the Customer Have...
May 14, 2015 | entrepreneurs, marketing, sales training
Small businesses, claim your competitive advantage!As a small business, you are probably very aware of your larger competitors and it can be very easy to be intimidated by them. The trick is not to fall into the trap of trying to match them. If you go head to head...
Apr 4, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Why you should stop discounting and charge more When you looked at that heading, did you think ‘no chance!’ Or perhaps you shouted at me; ‘what does she know?’ Certainly, if you are anything like most people in business, you might have some...