Jan 31, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, Gallery, sales training, Training
Are you keeping it real? Today I read a post on Facebook asking people to list one thing that they were really proud to have achieved in 2016. There were some super replies – things like: I got married I made a profit in my first year of business I donated a big...
Jan 30, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips
5 Things that could be scaring your customers away (and what you can do about it) Let’s face it, customers can be tough to win, so the last thing you want to do is scare any of them away. However, if you are involved in selling in any way at all, make sure you...
Jan 13, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips
Why Outstanding Customer Service Doesn’t have to be Complicated (or expensive) This morning I had an almost flat tyre. Not an actual puncture, but something I noticed last night and forgot to deal with. I was on the school run, so I had to make sure the...
Jan 12, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Have you ever talked yourself out of a sale (and what should you have done differently?) It is important to understand when to talk and when to stop. When we are being sold ‘to’ none of us likes to be with someone who talks constantly; it is irritating and it can make...
Jan 1, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, prospecting, sales tips, Training
Positive Language can make a huge difference to your sales conversation, so don’t go using language that makes customers avoid you. There are certain words and phrases that are considered clichés in the world of selling. If you want to avoid looking like an...
Apr 4, 2016 | customers, sales tips, sales training, Training
Are you giving a great buying experience? When I run one of my sales training courses, I usually do a bit with the class at the beginning about ‘what makes a good sale’. I ask delegates to think about a time when they had an outstanding buying experience...