Here’s a quick and easy question. The answer might show you how good you and your team are at sales:

Is your closing rate too high?

In other words, can you proudly boast that you win every job (or nearly every job)?

Well, if you do, there’s a good chance that you’re more of an order taker than a salesperson.

In sales, your job is to make a difference. Your job is to win those deals that wouldn’t walk through the door by themselves.

If you’re closing everything then that’s probably…. wait for it…. because you are not charging enough, OR the orders come in by themselves, in which case, what is the point of paying you a salary????

Any fool can sell something too cheaply …. the real test is whether you can sell on value.

I’ve got one client who has engaged me to LOWER their closing rates.!

Why? Because their team was bringing in too many deals with poor margins… that is a threat to the entire company.

They wanted profitability, not vanity metrics.

So have a think… in your business, are you taking the easy route and just taking orders, or are you really selling?

If you think this applies to you, let’s chat. Click here to schedule in a chat: