Dec 30, 2023 | sales training
Do you know why sales training fails?Well actually, it’s the same reasons that any training fails.The delegates turn up, they do the course, they love it (well, they love my courses 😉!) and leave full of enthusiasm and positivity.Then what?Often a big fat...
Dec 28, 2023 | sales training
How good is your Value Proposition?Now at this point, you will probably respond in one of three ways:1. My Value Proposition is great!2. I keep meaning to work on it3. What is a Value Proposition?So, for those of you who fall into categories of 2 and 3, here are some...
Dec 27, 2023 | sales training
Lazy person’s guide to getting better at sales ….There are loads of posts out there in the world telling you what you should do to get better at selling, but how about what you shouldn’t do if you want to get better at it?Here are some quick and easy...
Dec 24, 2023 | sales training
Everyone loves a bit of humour and sales memes are designed to cheer you up because they are so TRUE TO LIFE and they can give you that little bit of motivation when you need it. If you’ve trained with me, you will have seen some of these on my slides –...
Dec 23, 2023 | sales training
Words are incredibly powerful – the words you say to your customers (and the words you hear from others) have more influence than you probably imagine. Hypnotists know this, as do NLP practitioners.NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. “Neuro” means relating to...