Jan 25, 2021 | entrepreneurs, sales tips, sales training, Training
Why I love Sales Objections and you should too. As a sales trainer, one of the things that I get asked about probably more than any other (with the possible exception of how to close better) is overcoming objections. There is something about an objection that can...
Jan 24, 2021 | marketing, sales tips, Training
Why I’m not going to tell you I’m the best Today I got pitched at by an over-enthusiastic insurance sales person. Although I’m not in the market for insurance, the salesperson in me loves to listen to other people’s sales calls because, well, they are fascinating!...
Jan 13, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, sales tips
Why Outstanding Customer Service Doesn’t have to be Complicated (or expensive) This morning I had an almost flat tyre. Not an actual puncture, but something I noticed last night and forgot to deal with. I was on the school run, so I had to make sure the...
Jan 12, 2021 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Have you ever talked yourself out of a sale (and what should you have done differently?) It is important to understand when to talk and when to stop. When we are being sold ‘to’ none of us likes to be with someone who talks constantly; it is irritating and it can make...
Jan 11, 2021 | Uncategorized
Sales Training for People who need help closing more deals Stop stressing about selling! In business, without sales, well…. there is no business. Sales are the lifeblood that drive everything. But what if you can’t sell, you’ve never been shown how,...