Apr 24, 2015 | marketing, sales training
Are you using the power of Case Studies in your business? Small businesses are always looking for ways to increase their reach and compete with the big boys. With that in mind, have you really explored the benefits of using case studies to promote your business? The...
Apr 8, 2015 | customers, sales training
I’m a Salesperson – give me a cuddle please! I don’t know what you think about people who sell for a living. Perhaps you think we are all pushy, gobby, dishonest, manipulative charlatans. I hope you don’t, but from comments I sometimes hear a...
Apr 4, 2015 | customers, entrepreneurs, marketing, negotiation, sales tips, Training
Why you should stop discounting and charge more When you looked at that heading, did you think ‘no chance!’ Or perhaps you shouted at me; ‘what does she know?’ Certainly, if you are anything like most people in business, you might have some...